What will our website do?
Our website consists of four pages and they are the Worksheet, Shopping Cart,
Checkout and E-mail us pages. The features of each page are as follows:
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Prepare your orders by brands or categories, for all products or for specials and
close-outs only. This page also gives you the product images and specifications,
the country of origin of the product, pieces in a master carton, the weight and cube
of each master carton and the unit price of each product. Since we sell only in master
carton quantities, the website will guide you to order only in master carton quantities.
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This will be the page where all the items that you have selected with quantities will
be displayed, showing pieces, master cartons, total weight, total cube and total value
of your order. You can adjust your quantities on this page and get updated values by
pressing the ‘Recalculate’ icon. You can also go back to the Worksheet to continue
your shopping by pressing the ‘Continue Shopping’ icon.
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In this page you will be able to view the selected items and print a copy of your
order. This page also shows you a Loading Chart, which gives you the loading volume
of the different sizes of air and ocean export containers.
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From this page you will be able to e-mail the order directly to your salesperson with
a copy to somebody else in our office just in case your salesperson is out of the
office or traveling on business. You can input your shipping instructions and any
comments that you may have in the Comments box.